
Firebug download for firefox 12
Firebug download for firefox 12

firebug download for firefox 12

So, some users who use Firebug just occasionally can keep all activable panels disabled and perhaps enable them only for some specific sites. Disable for - The panel is enabled for specific site.Enable for - The panel is enabled for specific site.Disabled - The panel is disabled for all sites.Enabled – The panel is enabled for all sites.The menu target (the black-arrow) can’t be overlooked by the user, but it’s also not eye catching.Īll the activable logic is behind these four options: for those which can be enabled/disabled) and is displayed only for the currently selected tab so, the space on the tab-bar isn’t wasted. The menu is available for all activable panels (i.e. You can also notice that disabled tab label is grayed out (click the image to enlarge it).

firebug download for firefox 12

We have introduced a new menu, which is accessible directly from the panel's tab. So, the following panels are currently activable: The other features are just available and there is no reason to disable them. The solution we have chosen makes possible to independently enable/disable those features that can reduce Firefox performance (now disabled by default). For instance, the DOM Inspector is indispensable tool for a lot of users and there is no performance penalty when using Firefox. However, most of the Firebug features don't reduce Firefox performance and thus can be available and handy all the time. In the previous version (Firebug 1.05 and 1.1), it was only possible to disabled/enable Firebug entirely (and/or for specific site). We have been hardworking on this (UI is hard), following carefully all the great user feedback on Firebug newsgroups, and this version has finally something, which looks like quite promising solution (I am curious about the next user feedback -). One of the most noticeable thing (apart from bunch of bug-fixes) of the upcoming Firebug 1.2beta4 ( check AMO) is new UI for Firebug activation. See also post related to Firebug 1.5 activation.

Firebug download for firefox 12